Pixel Perfect Images to Sell More

TI Himu
2 min readMar 7, 2022


If you own an ecommerce store, you undoubtedly know how fantastic your goods are, but until a consumer sees them in person, all they have are the photographs on your webpage to depend on.

This is why the top online businesses feature outstanding products and excellent product photography. These photographs build authenticity in your ecommerce business by attributing to the value and quality of your items.

While every social media platform compresses uploaded photographs to some degree, the extent to which your picture is influenced is typically determined by the size you publish and other aspects such as compression and color space conversion.

Various social sites propose different image sizes to make your pictures look as good as possible. Autoretouch will assist your company in creating pixel-perfect photographs for various social media networks. As a result, more people will visit your website, and sales will rise.


You can use this simple approach to upload your images on Facebook. Take all the photographs saved as a JPEG at 2400 pixel resolution on the long side in AutoRetouch. This gives your photo the minimum amount of compression and makes your pictures look best on the number one social network.

Facebook suggests exporting images at a width of 1200 pixel value, but doubling the width ensures that the image appears fantastic on higher-resolution displays.


Nowadays, it’s pretty easy with Twitter. A picture’s maximum size on Twitter will never exceed 1024 px. As a result, you should follow the same steps as Facebook: save a JPEG, twice the standard size, and keep the quality at 90%.


Fortunately, the resolution on Instagram is far improved to what was previously acceptable. Images can be up to 1024 pixels wide.

The dimensions of social platforms are continuously changing, and it’s crucial to remain on top of them if you want to provide high-quality photographs to your viewers. Facebook frequently changes image sizes with each new major redesign, so you have to make sure that you stay top of the pile as challenges arise.



TI Himu

Tech enthusiast | Design Master | Research Spider