Neck joint services are among the most innovative and effective ways to unveil clothing products worldwide. It is otherwise known as the ghost mannequin, 3D mannequin, or invisible mannequin service. It presents the product with a 3D outlook by closing out the model or dummy out of the clothes or accessories. A ghost mannequin is a commercial shooting method that involves placing a cloth on a figure to create an imaginative and robust impact on the resulting image, which solves the problem of product display.
The most commercial image editing service for the garments industry is ghost mannequin services. It is great for professional photographers and garment business entrepreneurs who sell garments online. When a ghost mannequin adds a professional touch to clothing, it takes on a more lively and immaculate appearance, allowing consumers to visualize themselves wearing the garment as they feel it real.
There are various types of ghost mannequin services available. Among them, important ones are ;
- 360 degrees neck joint service
- 3D ghost effect service
- Bottom Joint service
- Sleeves Joint service
- Scarf neck and Watch wrist combination
The ghost mannequin effect service is the perfect method to present your garment products as it enhances the quality of the product images. As a result, the sellers will make a more significant profit than the live models. The product must be authentic, believable, and fashionable at the same time for clothing outlets.
Most modern clothes mannequin product photography feature stunning models; however, they are not cost-effective if you have a tight budget. Not only do you have to worry about money, but you also have to deal with scheduling concerns and a slew of other issues. Ghost mannequin services can save your time and money by providing you with the highest quality product photo that will eventually help you sell more products.
When can you use the Ghost mannequin service
- To show the front and back or 360-degree view of a good.
- To add life, texture, and volume to the products.
- To escape the high cost and hassles of hiring live models.
- Required to showcase the inside of the apparel, brand name, labels, etc.
- Lower production costs.
Ghost mannequin services can hugely boost your product’s presence on the digital platform. Using the ghost mannequin tool, we can make the product look like an invisible person is wearing it. Every aspect of the clothing is visible, and buyers can explore and measure the product details from different angles. As a result, buyers prefer this alternative tool while purchasing clothes online.