Around the world, there are 2.5 million active Amazon merchants. That’s a huge competition, and it can be hard to stand out in one of the world’s most competitive markets.
One of the most important aspects of successful ecommerce is images. Images assist customers in determining whether this product is appropriate for them or not. Shoppers on Amazon have a lot of choices at their fingertips, and before clicking on the purchase tab they like to check the photographs properly.
The visibility of your goods on Amazon is influenced by the quality of your photographs. You’ll note that all of Amazon’s top-rated products contain professional photographs that are both eye-soothing and clear. On Amazon, having attractive product photos can create the difference between a successful purchase and a complete failure.
Image optimization tips for Amazon products
To learn how to boost your Amazon product photos for a higher conversion rate, follow the procedures;
1. Comply with Amazon’s product image criteria
You must follow the Amazon photo rules and related technological requirements when creating new product pages or modifying existing items. If you don’t, Amazon will just reject your product listings and photographs.
Check out the Amazon product image criteria below:
File names: The product identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, or UPC) must be followed by a period and the appropriate file extension( Examples:C001122345.jpg or 0543256781479.tif)
File types : You can upload any of these PNG, JPEG, GIF or TIFF files.
Photograph size: Your Amazon image sizes need to be at least 1000 pixels tall or wide , and 1200 pixels on the longest side but 2560 or larger is preferred.
Number of images: On Amazon, you can post up to eight supporting product photographs in addition to one main product image.
Image frame: The merchandise should fill 85 percent of the image frame or more.
Backdrop color: A pure white background should be used for all product photographs.
Color : Both sRGB and CMYK color modes are acceptable.
Design: Not include any text, borders, mannequins, excluded accessories, or watermarks in your photographs.
2. Arrange your photos in order of importance
Amazon allows you to display one primary product image and up to eight secondary photographs, but you must prioritize the images in the order you want them to appear. Instead of just two or three pictures, it’s a good idea to use all of the available slots.
it’s a good opportunity to show off your product from a different perspective. Overall, arranging photographs in a logical order allows your target customers to get a better sense of your product and can maximize your product sales.
3. Maintain Amazon’s high-quality image standards
It’s critical to use high-quality photographs if you want to convert sales and get more impressions. In addition, try to follow these guidelines,
- All product photos must be authentic. Illustrations, vectors, and sketches are not permitted on Amazon.
- Only include product-related items in the photo.
- The picture quality of your Amazon goods should be high.
- Amazon prohibits the uploading of vulgar or objectionable photos.
4. Incorporate background environments
Only the main image background needs to be completely white. You can use a diverse background for subsequent photos on Amazon. Depending on the type of product you’re selling, it might not be a smart idea to have all of your photographs on a white background. you can include a background that will help to show how your product might look in a realistic scenario such as furniture products.
5. product must be in frame
Ensure the product takes up as much area as possible. You want your product to be as large as possible so it stands out. Try to avoid cutting off the subject of your image and make sure the subject is in the frame. It’s also crucial to pay attention to the edges and corners of your images.
6. Include photographs of packaging
If your product comes with its own packaging, it’s also a good idea to provide a photo of it. These can be effective selling features that emphasize a product’s convenience while also establishing confidence with potential buyers.
7. Provide key information
By including essential product information in your images, you may draw more attention of customers.
- Emphasize your product’s most crucial features and benefits.
- Include sizing, measurements, or other critical parameters.
- Make a list of the materials that went into making your product.
- If the product is a food or nutritional supplement, list the ingredients.
- Create comparison charts.